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  1. Category: What's Happening
  2. For Sale
  3. Price: $5.00 Each
  4. Location: Norridgewock, ME
  5. Phone: 207-431-2718
  7. Company: Maine Antique Tractor Club

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Antique Tractor Festival at 351 Waterville Road. See antique tractor pulling, antique equipment displays and demonstrations, and more. Members from the Maine Antique Power Association will join us with their engines along with the famous Lombard tractor and the Maine Doodlebug Pullers. There will be food vendors, craft vendors, swap meet vendors, auction, and a giant Flea market. June 28th opens @ noon with admission by donation, then June 29th-30th opens at 8 am with $5 admission for adults, and $3 for kids 5-17. FMI visit us online.

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